
by James Mramor

As a Real Estate Professional, there are expectations…

Expectations to know what to do in a situation…. Experience defines this.

This home broke ground in the spring of 2020… pretty much the day of the first lockdown...

It was time to HURRY UP... and wait

COVID hits hard…

You remember that time when EVERYTHING was shut down and when LUMBER went THROUGH THE ROOF?! That’s the ecosystem that this home was being built in.

Fast forward to 2022 Record high Spring, to record high inflation…

The market in the mid fall. EVERYTHING over $1M just stopped… DEAD…

EVERYTHING over $750K stopped…DEAD…the interest rates had jumped significantly… Trigger the media...

The CRAZY media frenzy of how the sky is falling… 20% interest rates could be coming… offers 20% under list price…

Lets be real... Not happening with me.


After 5 failed offers… @trevortardif brings the us an offer they could not refuse….and…….. #SOLD!

A huge congrats to Fox Properties!! They go so far above and beyond to make the custom homes become a reality. The small things are the game changers!

Info: Why so Long for the build? Fox Properties does something very different.. when they start a new build - they let the foundations sit for 2 years.. Why? Perfect landscaping that doesn't settle.

