by James Mramor

Believe me... this can be a constant state of life for a parent. 

Let’s be real... being a parent is the most rewarding gift I have ever experienced.

Before kids… 

You got home from work and it was easy to go out for dinner at 9 pm. 🍱 

 Decide to drive to the dealership and test drive the car you wanted. 🚙 Easy! 

Remember when 9 pm felt like the start of the night.... now it means bedtime? ⏰ 

You bought this house because it was perfect for you back then, but it isn't right anymore.

10 years and 2 kids later… Your perfect home doesn't fit you like it used to.

  • 🚀The space doesn't work anymore 
  • 🙉The kid’s rooms hear everything
  • ☕️Nowhere to hang out as a family
  • 🤦🏼‍♂️The storage areas are filled up and overflowing
  • 🚕The Garage becomes the catch-all and you can’t park your vehicles in it anymore
  • 😔We didn't want to have people over because we were embarrassed

Where you live is becoming a battleground of stress and frustration.

This was our family...

How did we get there? How do we love each other so much but couldn’t stop being frustrated and why?

We sat down one night and talked about it...

What drove me crazy, what drove her crazy... what drove us both crazy. 😜 

Funny though... we were both on the same page. 

It all came down to the house 🏡

It got too messy too quickly, with no space for toys or storage and the laundry room was in the basement. 

The garage had a goat path around “all of my stuff"... I had nowhere to store my signs and tents, my tools had no place... and everything was getting wrecked outside.

We had to do something... our family was more important than anything. ❤️

So with a 2 year old and Cassie being 5 months Pregnant…we moved. 🏠 

Looking back on our moves, each house was perfect for us when we bought it. Each house served its purpose of being our home. 

But we still kept hitting barriers that were affecting our family and quality of life. We knew that we needed to change the environment. So that’s what we did. 

Does this sound familiar? Do any of these moments resonate with you? 

Give me a shout if you’re looking to change your living space to work better for you and your family! I’m here to help you because I’ve been there too. 

