Saturday Morning Excitement

Have kids they said... it'll be fun they said...
Aren’t these kids adorable? These boys almost always think of others first and they wear their hearts on their sleeves.
This morning started off a little rough for Cassie…Anything to do with an insect gets her attention IMMEDIATELY…
Our boys (Reid and Kade) are morning kids. They can't sleep past 5:30/6 am… so they wake up and get themselves breakfast and read books together.
This morning was no different. They woke up, came into our room, snuggled in for 2.5 seconds then out to the kitchen to grab their breakfast.
At 6:30 am, Reid walks in to our room with the biggest smile telling us about how him and Kade found a “big bug” and are feeding it.
Cue Cassie sitting up, thinking wtf...
Reid explained that is was about the size of a mouse and he found it when he opened the side door.
The ejection seat on Cassies side of the bed deployed; out of bed and ran into the bathroom locking the door…
This is a marital cue meaning “You deal with it”
I got dressed and went into the kitchen and all she heard was Reid tell me in his high pitched concerned voice “Daaaaad, it's gone, where did it go?”!
I walked into the kitchen and Kade and Reid are circling the kids plate on the ground. A granola bar ripped open and broke into small pieces on the plate… all so the bug could have breakfast with them.
We searched thinking it was a beetle or something…. Nope sure was not.
Reid and Kade finally “found” the "bug"… it was on their plate and they were showing me what it was. They were laughing so hard... because they thought they were so funny - some real jokesters we've got on our hands here.
This whole evil wake up was not a bug at all… turned out to be a piece of lint.
Kudos kiddos… you got us both!